Embracing the possibilities of the digital age, we are on a mission to empower not just our students, but our volunteers as well. We understand that many people in the world yearn for the ability to make a meaningful impact particularly among those from underprivileged backgrounds. Through our volunteer teaching role, you have the opportunity to help guide students towards owning their own educational journey. If you are passionate about helping Afghan girls and are dedicated to making a positive impact in the world around you, we invite you to join our team as a volunteer. Your journey of impact starts here.

Our Volunteer Teachers

How can you help?

Teach An online English Class

  • Volunteers must be native English speakers or have a strong command of the English language. You must also have a reliable internet connection.

  • Two hours of teaching time, and two additional hours of student feedback per week for one quarter (eleven weeks).

  • Teachers are given all the lecture materials they will need throughout the quarter, and students are given textbooks to work on between lessons.

Teach a Remote Specialty Class

  • Volunteers must have a qualification in the field of study they wish to teach a class on. They may teach in English, or a language native to Afghanistan.

  • Our specialty teachers commit to one hour of teaching a week, with an additional two hours to prepare for lectures and mark any assignments.

  • Specialty teachers will build an eleven week curriculum with support from the team at Victory Afghanistan.

Become a Mentor with victory

  • Our mentors are professionals in their field who are familiar with the current job market and tertiary study experience. They empathize with the current plight of women in Afghanistan and are passionate about helping in a more practical way.

  • Our mentors commit to one hour of mentoring a week, with an additional two hours to review mentees’ progress and report to the Victory Afghanistan Team.

  • Mentors will be trained by the Victory Afghanistan team prior to the beginning of the program.

Teacher Testimonials

  • "A privilege I hold dear!"

    I am happy to share my heartfelt appreciation for the incredible journey I have had as a volunteer English teacher. Teaching these girls has been a labour of love, and I am immensely proud of my students. This experience has enriched my life in ways I could never have imagined and has opened my eyes to the privileges we often take for granted in terms of education accessibility in the West.

    In a short amount of time, I have witnessed remarkable achievements among my students. I am in awe of their commitment to learning, coupled with their unwavering dedication. It is truly heartening to see how these girls, despite facing numerous challenges, have embraced learning English with infectious enthusiasm.

    The commendable work carried out by Victory Afghanistan and the hope they instill in these girls is nothing short of phenomenal. This experience has left an indelible mark on my heart, and I will cherish it always.

    Being a part of their educational journey is an absolute honor. These young women exude strength and determination, and as their teacher, I am filled with admiration. I am confident that each of them is destined for greatness, and while I wish I could do more to aid them on their path, being a guide in their journey is a privilege I hold dear.”

    Henna Biring| Policy Officer, Civil Services | UK | Volunteer Intermediate Teacher

  • "Being the teacher of those resilient, confident, and talented girls is such an honor"

    I was born and raised outside of Afghanistan and never really felt connected to my country or culture. As a teen, I would always say “I am only Afghan by name.” Those are the words that still haunt me today. The day Kabul fell was the day I realized how Afghan I was. It felt like I had lost something that was not mine.

    I cried and begged God to give me another chance to serve my people. That’s when I discovered Victory. I cannot express the amount of gratitude I have for Victory. Being the teacher of those resilient, confident, and talented girls is such an honor. They have connected me back to my culture and for that, I cannot thank them enough.

    These girls are the descendants of Rumi, Meena, Soraya etc. Defeating them is impossible. Poetry is in their blood and resilience is in their name. To my sisters in Afghanistan, I am sorry that you must sail your ship alone in this storm. We must guard the lighthouse and keep it on for you. Hold on tight and keep sailing towards the light. When you arrive, we will all be there to embrace you and this world will see your victory.

    Rahima Sayed | Author | Canada | Volunteer Beginner II Teacher