At Victory Afghanistan, we run a 100% free, volunteer-based ESL program for young girls currently based in Afghanistan. We now have over 430 enrolled and actively participating students, and an additional 400+ girls on a waitlist for next quarter.

Our Students

About Our Students

Our students are diverse in terms of age and prior education levels. The largest majority of our students are in their late teens and early twenties. They have sharp minds eager to learn, and under Afghanistan’s current administration, are unable to pursue their academic goals via more traditional institutions.

Students by Age

Students' Level of Education

Student Presence by Geography

We have students from over 20 different provinces in Afghanistan. Opening access to the impoverished and geographically disadvantaged was one of our priorities in this program and we have achieved it by ensuring our networks extend to rural areas as well as cities, and enrolling students regardless of background.


Every young girl in Afghanistan is eligible to be our student!

Read More About our Students’ journies.